Frequently Asked Questions
How do I add Chat Rewards to my server?
You can add Chat Rewards to your server by clicking here.
What does Chat Rewards do?
Chat Rewards increases the activity in your Discord server, plain and simple. It works by giving messages in your server's chat a chance to trigger rewards, which makes people want to chat more in your server.
How do I setup Chat Rewards?
You can get started by typing /setup
in your server and Chat Rewards will guide you through how to configure the bot for your server, it only takes a minute!
Chat Rewards isn't working in my server!
If you find that Chat Rewards is not working, or are confused how to set it up, feel free to join our support server and we'd be happy to help.
What commands does Chat Rewards have?
You can view the entire list of commands with descriptions here, or you can do /commands
in your server.
Does Chat Rewards have a premium version?
No! Chat Rewards doesn't currently have a premium version. We are trying to create a strong foundation before looking into monetizing Chat Rewards. However, if you want to support us, please consider donating to our Patreon!
Can't find what you're looking for?
If you need more help, join our support server, then go to the #get-support channel and submit a support ticket.