Bot Commands

Find out all the commands available for Chat Rewards below.

Add to Server
Available Commands

Any command with an asterisk (*) after them can only be executed if the user has the server's 'mod role' look at the command /set-mod-role for more info.

Channel Control:

/add-active-channel *

Adds a channel to the active list; the bot will only send message rewards in active channels.

Example Usage: /add-active-channel #general - Adds the #general channel to the active channels list.

/remove-active-channel *

Removes a channel from the list of active channels the bot will no longer send rewards there.

Example Usage: /remove-active-channel #general - Removes the #general channel from the active channels list.


Displays the list of currently active channels where the bot is sending rewards.

Example Usage: /active-channels - Lists all channels currently active for rewards.

Credits Control:


Shows the amount of credits a user has

Example Usage: /credits @user - Displays the user's current credit balance.


Displays the server's leaderboard showing the top 10 users with the highest credit balances.

Example Usage: /leaderboard - Shows the current top users in the server.


Transfers some of your credits to someone else.

Example Usage: /pay-credits @user 1000 - Transfers 1000 of your credits to @user.

/add-credits *

Adds credits to a user's account.

Example Usage: /add-credits @user 500 - Adds 500 credits to the user mentioned.

/remove-credits *

Removes credits from a user's account.

Example Usage: /remove-credits @user 500 - Removes 500 credits from the user mentioned.

/transfer-limits *

Displays or updates the transaction limits when transferring credits. If you do not specify any parameters the bot will display the current limits.

Example Usage: /transfer-limits receive_limit 500 - All users can now only receive 500 credits from other people when using /transfer-credits.

/purge-credits *

Resets ALL users in your server back to 0 credits. Only server administrators can reset the server's credits.

Example Usage: /purge-credits -All users will now have 0 credits in your server.


Displays the amount of gauranteed daily credits you have left to claim for the day.

Example Usage: /daily-credits - Displays the user's amount of gauranteed daily credits left to claim.

/daily-credits-limit *

Adjusts the limit of gauranteed credits a user can get per day. Default is 500.

Example Usage: /daily-credits-limit 1000 - Now users will be able to claim 1000 credits gauranteed each day.


Displays your current credit multiplier, which affects the amount of credits you receive.

Example Usage: /multiplier @user - Displays the user's credit multiplier.

Special Rewards:


Displays your Special Rewards and provides information on how to obtain them.

Example Usage: /special-rewards @user - Lists the user's available special rewards and how to use them.


Opens a Special Reward you have to get multipliers and other rewards.

Example Usage: /open mega - Opens one of your 'mega' special rewards.

Boost Rewards:

/boost-rewards *

Sets the channel where the bot will send Boost Rewards notifications. Leave all parameteres blank to disable Boost Rewards.

Example Usage: /boost-rewards #boosts - Sets the #boosts channel for Boost Reward notifications.

Reward Rates Control:

/chat-drop *

Makes the bot send a custom Chat Drop in your server.

Example Usage: /chat-drop What is my favorite food? pizza #general 1000

The bot will send a Chat Drop in the channel #general with the question 'What is my favorite food' and will reward 1000 credits to the first person who writes 'pizza'.


Shows the odds of receiving each type of reward in the server.

Example Usage: /rates - Displays the current reward rates for the server.

/adjust-rates *

Adjusts the odds of receiving each type of reward in the server.

Example Usage: /adjust-rates common 0.5 - Sets the rate of the 'common' reward to 0.5% of all messages

/reset-rates *

Resets the odds of receiving each type of reward in the server to their default values.

Example Usage: /reset-rates - Resets all reward rates to their default settings.

Shop Control:


Displays the shop for the server where users can buy roles with their credits.

Example Usage: /shop - Shows the available items in the server's shop.

/add-shop-item *

Adds a role to the server shop.

Example Usage: /add-shop-item @epic 1000 5 - Adds the 'epic' role to the shop for 1000 credits with a stock of 5.

/edit-shop-item *

Edits a role already in the shop.

Example Usage: /edit-shop-item @epic 2000 1 - Changes the 'epic' role to cost 2000 credits and have a stock of 1.

/remove-shop-item *

Removes a role from the server shop.

Example Usage: /remove-shop-item @epic - Removes the 'epic' role from the shop.


Purchases a role from the shop using credits.

Example Usage: /buy @epic - Buys the 'epic' role from the shop.

Server Control:

/logging *

Configures the logging settings. Logging allows you to receive alerts about the server's interaction with Chat Rewards. Leave empty to disable.

Example Usage: /logging #logs @log alerts - Logs will be sent to #logs and when important logs are posted Chat Rewards will ping the role @log alerts.

/mod-role **

Sets the role that allows users to configure the bot and execute commands with an asterisk (*) after them. Only server administrators can set the mod role.

Example Usage: /mod-role @moderator - Sets the @moderator role as the bot's mod role.

/blacklisted-role *

Any users with this role will not be able to buy items, appear on the leaderboard or own credits. Essentially blacklisting them from the bot.

Example Usage: /blacklisted-role @blacklisted - Sets the @blacklisted role as the blacklisted role.

/setup-help *

Provides helpful setup instructions for configuring the bot in the server.

Example Usage: /setup - Displays the steps to configure the bot.



Displays where to vote for Chat Rewards to earn free rewards.

Example Usage: /vote - Provides links to vote for the bot and earn credits.


Displays the invite link for Chat Rewards.

Example Usage: /invite - Provides link to invite the bot.


Displays user/server/global stats which includes a ton of information about your journey with Chat Rewards.

Example Usage: /stats user, /stats server or /stats global - Displays the user's stats in the server, displays the total server stats, or displays global stats.


Displays helpful information about the bot.

Example Usage: /help - Shows information about the bot.


Shows the list of all available commands, but within Discord.

Example Usage: /commands - Lists all available commands directly in Discord.


Shows the current latency of the bot.

Example Usage: /ping - Displays the current latency.


Sends feedback or reports any issues with the bot to the developers.

Example Usage: /feedback I think this bot would be better with new minigames. - Sends feedback about a recommendation to add minigames to the bot.